Aqua Association Home
Welcome to Aqua Association Incorporated
The AQUA ASSOCIATION is an industry based association setup and run by individuals with backgrounds in aquatic farming. We are a registered incorporated Peak Industry Body with membership from all aspects of the industry from enthusiasts to commercial farmers in the Aquaculture and Aquaponic industries. We are here to assist and represent you ! Read more About Us.
Have a voice in Aquaculture today.
Some of the areas are Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Aquarium, Breeding, Fingerlings, Grow out, Hatchery and Mariculture Species.
Please see the Aquatic Species list for more information on commonly grown species in Australia.
Most of the large commercial operators started their careers at home as hobbyist then grew to small family business and then took that to the large commercial farms they have today. The Aqua Association is here to help you learn and grow, if you are looking for a career or to take your small operations to a commercial level then join us and actively participate in the industry.
Join or Renew and check the Aqua Association App
Australian commercial aquaculture, is the fastest growing primary industry in Australia, but also home aquaculture for private use is a huge component of our members. Growing fish and yabbies in private farm dams, aquaponics in the backyard or garage and aquarium breeding are all activities that are increasingly popular.
The AQUA ASSOCIATION provides, representation, support, information and a platform for communication between all its members that include commercial producers, hobbyists, educators, suppliers, researchers and all those interested in the industry.
Membership is available to all that want to work together towards the betterment of the Australian Aquaculture Industry. Our membership includes not only aquaculturalists and potential farmers, but educators, equipment suppliers, manufacturers, consultants, industry representatives, scientists and those interested in keeping their finger on the pulse of the industry. Membership is open, we have members from all states of Australia and worldwide, everyone is welcome to join. See Membership Benefits
About Aqua Association incorporated
The Aqua Association was founded to support and represent the land based Aquaculture and Aquaponic industry. Whether a commercial farmer or a backyard hobbyist, we are here to help and assist you in your endeavours.
Australian commercial Aquaculture, is the fastest growing primary industry in Australia, but also home Aquaculture and Aquaponics for private use is a huge component of our membership.
Growing fish and yabbies in private farm dams, Aquaponics in the backyard or garage and Aquarium breeding are all activities that are increasing in popularity.
Most of us large commercial Aquaculture and Aquaponic farmers started as backyard hobbyists and over time we grew into the large commercial operations we have today. We are here to share our knowledge, provide information, field days and short courses, plus a monthly newsletter for the benefit of members We are here to help the small growers, grow into large producers and help and support the large producers with their commercial viability.
We are a peak industry body that represents and supports the land-based Aquaculture and Aquaponic industry providing a united voice and point of contact for Government and all other interested parties. .
Membership is available to all that want to work together towards the betterment of our Aquaculture and Aquaponic Industry. Existing farmers, potential farmers, educators, equipment suppliers, manufacturers, consultants, industry representatives, scientists or those that want to keep their finger on the pulse of the industry, all are welcome. Although based in NSW, members come from all states of Australia and overseas.
Please note: We are a web based association; all communication is via email or the website. Only field days and short courses are face to face meetings.