Members Area
Our Members Area content has many resources including:
- Document Library
- Our extensive library collection contains valuable resources for Aquaculture and Aquaponics. The library has over 500 resources that have been collated in 110 categories. Resources consist of PDF, Word and Excel files and includes scientific papers. species information, disease, environment and more for members.
- Our extensive library collection contains valuable resources for Aquaculture and Aquaponics. The library has over 500 resources that have been collated in 110 categories. Resources consist of PDF, Word and Excel files and includes scientific papers. species information, disease, environment and more for members.
- Video Library
- The Video Library has YouTube content that is relevant to Australian members. Some of the videos are made by association members. Members are welcome to submit new videos that they may have produced.
- The Video Library has YouTube content that is relevant to Australian members. Some of the videos are made by association members. Members are welcome to submit new videos that they may have produced.
- Farm Software
- We have a large collection of farm software that is specific to Aquaculture and certain fish species including Barramundi and Perch.
- We have a large collection of farm software that is specific to Aquaculture and certain fish species including Barramundi and Perch.
- AGM & Financials
- Members can view current and past Annual General Meeting and Financial documents.
Please login to view resources.