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Thursday 11th June 2020
By Robert McCormack

Goldfish are colourful fish that are used as aquarium species, not as food for human consumption. They are aquacultured by large numbers of people and are easy to look after and breed. The ancestors of this species originated in China and naturally the majority dull brown colouration with just the odd one being a bright colour. But if you take the

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Category: Aquatic Species
Thursday 11th June 2020
By Robert McCormack

Back in May 2019 at a meeting of representatives from the Seafood Industry in NSW, one of the greatest industry issues identified was the threat posed by confused animal activists and crazed vegan vigilantes invading NSW farms. Our concerns were passed on to the Minister as were similar concerns from other primary industries. We are very

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Category: Articles
Wednesday 10th June 2020
By Robert McCormack

Koi Carp and the common carp are similar and are all members of the carp family. They originated in Japan and now are grow across the planet for their magnificent colours, large size and long lifespans. They can grow to a large size over 20 kgs, be very colourful and are prized as an ornamental pond species. When small they are similar to goldfish

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Category: Aquatic Species
Wednesday 10th June 2020
By Robert McCormack

Murray Cod are natives of the Murray Darling drainage basin of Australia.  They are a predatory fish with excellent eating qualities.  They can be captured on baits and lures but are not very common or easy to capture.  They grow to over 100kgs in size and are the top of the food chain in our rivers.  Due to their rarity, difficulty

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Category: Aquatic Species
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
By Robert McCormack

We have two main species of trout in NSW, the Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Rainbow trout are the ones commercially cultured and in NSW we produce 150,000 kgs per year. Trout are not native to Australia they are natives from northern Mexico to southern Alaska west of the Rockies. That said they are now entrenched

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Category: Aquatic Species
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
By Robert McCormack

Silver Perch are one of the most common freshwater aquaculture species in NSW. The silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) is an Australia native freshwater fish. Its natural distribution extends through the western drainage of New South Wales, including most of the Murray-Darling Basin, but it is found now in many eastern drainages.

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Category: Aquatic Species
Monday 1st June 2020
By Robert McCormack

The Yabby is a freshwater crayfish native to Australia. Also known as a crawchie, crawdad, craybob or even lobbie, it’s all dependent on where you come from.

Yabbies as a name can refer to any number of different crayfish species (small smooth shelled species) but as a rule it generally refers to Cherax destructor. This

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Category: Aquatic Species