Objectives of the Aqua Association
Our current aims and objectives haven’t changed much over the decades from those formulated by the original 150 founding members of our old association. Over the years the members have changed with some leaving the industry and others entering, but we as an association have adhered to our original charter with our aims and objectives remaining much the same. We are here to help our members grow their interests, their business and their prosperity.
The aim of our Aqua Association is to further and protect the interests, needs and aspirations of the aquaculture & aquaponic industries, its owners, operators and associated support industries in Australia.
Provide a platform via our monthly newsletters to allow government, industry and any interested party to address the members directly.
Facilitate the dissemination of information between aquaculturalists/aquaponicalists and to keep them abreast of the latest developments in research and production techniques, etc. Plus the latest industry issues and alerts.
Promote industry research and development priorities in areas critical to production, survival, purging and packaging, etc., or any other area that will better the commercial viability of our industry.
Liaise with government authorities to represent Association members’ interests and seek government assistance where required.
Represent the commercial interests of our members and present a united front to lobby government authorities where required.
To represent the interests of members first and foremost. We will not volunteer information on activities of any member to anyone or disseminate their contact details without the member's prior approval.
Promote the development of an environmentally responsible, sustainable and commercially viable aquaculture and aquaponic industry in NSW, and Australia.
Assist in the education of the aquaculture and aquaponic industry to achieve best industry practice with lectures, workshops and short courses, etc.
Act on members behalf to intervene with government agencies to assist them with their personal endeavours.
Provide, field days, workshops and short courses to assist members with their needs for information, assist with exchange of business knowledge between members and promote social contacts and networking.
Provide member benefits with discounted member rates at events, workshops and short courses, etc.
To work in co-operation with all groups and associations who share our aims.